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The Team

Eric Manuel Rodriguez is a fifth-year Ph.D. cadidate whose research discusses decolonial possibility of indigenous frameworks in the instruction of writing. Currently, he works with the Building Healthcare Collectives to build capacity for humanities research with health practitioners to promote health equity. Additionally, he volunteers as a composer for the Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness to compose backing music for speakers with the Michigan Speaker’s Bureau.

Juan Carlos Rico Noguera is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Anthropology at Michigan State University. He is currently studying the production and distribution of collective memories in Colombia, a country going through a transition from inner armed conflict to a peaceful democracy. My focus of interest is the expert's involvement in the production of authorized narrations about the past. I am also a volunteer in Embrace Dialogue, a transnational organization advocating for the Colombian armed conflict's peaceful resolution.

Ezgi Karaoglu is a second-year PhD student in the Department of Sociology at Michigan State University. Coming from a humanitarian work background in Turkey, where is home to the largest refugee population of the world, she worked in multiple organizations for ensuring that refugees have access to basic, psycho-social, and legal rights with dignity. Her dissertation research basically focuses on the citizenship acquirements of high-skilled refugees and their relation to political transformation in Turkey. Currently, she is working on a multi-national project to explore the impact of COVID-19 on refugee relief in Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey.